DIS'22 ACM SIGCHI (2022): Online

Going Into Depth:
Learning From A Survey Of Interactive Designs For Aquatic Recreation

ACM SIGCHI Conference on Design of Interactive Systems DIS'22

Christal Clashing, Maria Fernanda Montoya Vega, Ian Smith, Rakesh Patibanda, Swamy Ananthanarayan, Sarah Jane Pell, & Floyd Mueller


Aquatic recreation encompasses a variety of water-based activities from which participants gain physical, mental, and social benefits. Although interactive technologies for supporting aquatic recreation activities have increased in recent years, the HCI community does not yet have a structured understanding of approaches to interaction design for aquatic recreation. To contribute towards such an understanding, we present the results of a systematic review of 48 papers on the design of interactive technology for aquatic recreation, drawn from the ACM, IEEE, and SPORTDiscus libraries. From this review, we present an aquatic recreation user experience framework that details water's problems and opportunities with regard to HCI. In particular, we found that designers can elicit delight, enablement, challenge, and synergy in aquatic recreation experiences. Our framework brings us a step closer to understanding how technology can interact with users and the aquatic environment to enhance the existing recreational experiences which connect us to aquatic environments.

Keywords: Games/Play; Sports/Exercise, Water, Aquatic Recreation.
Christal Clashing, Ian Smith, Maria F. Montoya, Rakesh Patibanda, Swamy Ananthanarayan, Sarah Jane Pell, and Florian Floyd Mueller. 2022. Going into Depth: Learning from a Survey of Interactive Designs for Aquatic Recreation. In Proceedings of the 2022 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS '22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1119–1132. https://doi.org/10.1145/3532106.3533543

DIS'2022 ACM SIGCHI Poster

The ACM SIGCHI Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) is the premier international arena where designers, artists, psychologists, user experience researchers, systems engineers, and many more, come together to debate and shape the future of interactive systems design and practice. DIS is ranked 11th in HCI on Google Scholar and a Tier A publication venue, partly due to an average acceptance rate of 25% over the years. The theme for DIS 2022 is “Digital Wellbeing” and will be held online from June 13-June 17 2022.

The ACM SIGCHI Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) is sponsored by SIGCHI and Monash University. DIS'22 https://dis.acm.org/2022/

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