RMIT University (2012-2014, 2015) Melbourne AU
Visiting Researcher, and Research Fellow
Faculty of Media and Communication, Centre for Games Design Research
Artist-in-Residence, Exertion Games Lab [XGL]
I bring unique expertise in arts-led-research and human-aquatic performance to collaborate with Prof. Floyd Mueller, Director of the Exertion Games Lab and world-leading designer of Exertion Games. As a member of the lab, I focus on the development of design research, concept and implementation of a bodily game; practical application and empirical feedback on formal research on exertion games; and research on enhancing, and extending the human performance experience underwater. My research with the Exertion Games Lab will advance Australia’s interdisciplinary research on wellbeing by creatively bringing into dialogue notable scholars whose work traverses cutting-edge design, social sciences, sports sciences, computer sciences and the humanities. This work will also integrate new interdisciplinary research with bold analysis and designs, to build informed public engagement. Furthermore, experimental outcomes assist in the refinement of collaborative methodologies and purposefully inform the scope of future collaborative investigations with Prof. Mueller to advance new Discovery in Aquatic play. The following outlines practical research highlights collaborating with Prof. Floyd Mueller and the Exertion Games Lab, RMIT University, Melbourne AU.
H20 + HCI Workshops 2012-2013
iFloat, iFall, Ifly Workshop, 2013 #Investigation
Ballet Lab, Exertion Games Lab & Aquabatics workshop bodies in inflatables and underwater. RMIT Design Hub & Melbourne City Baths.
Oceanic Performance, 2013 #Constellation
Singular body/aquatic actor and agency in Aquabatics adaptation design. Inaugural Oceanic Performance Biennial, Auckland, NZ.
Gravity Well, 2013 #Experimentation
Imagining performance at the 2020 Olympiad: Pell and McRae, RMIT Design Hub & Adelphi Rooftop Pool and Astronauts as Homo Ludens: Pell & Mueller.
Interactive Entertainment 2013 #Provocation
Designing for Depth: Underwater Play. The 9th Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment: Melbourne AU.
CHI, 2013 #Interactivity
ACM SIGCHI Human-Computer Interaction Conference & First ACM European Computing Research Congress, Palais de Congress, Paris FR.
CHI Play, 2015 #Publication
Player-Computer Interaction Features for Designing Digital Play Experiences across Six Degrees of Water Contact, ACM, London UK.
ALT + HCI Research 2014-2015
Adventure & Technology, 2017 #Interactions
An earthquake-interrupted expedition to Mt. Everest. Interactions, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 58-62, ACM Magazine
Ubicomp, 2016 #Analysis
Deriving a HCI design lens from my expeditionary earthquake experiences. ACM Int. Conf. Pervasive Ubiquitous Computing, 12-16 Sep Heidelberg, DE.
High Altitude Performance, 2015 #Demonstration
High Altitude use for Qualisys Motion Capture Systems and NeXus-10 MKII at the Opening of the Centre for Games Design Research, RMIT Design Hub, AU.
Spin-off HCI ALT + μg Investigations
Astronauts as Homo Ludens, 2016 #Taxonomy
Play and performance as space adaption strategy. International Astronautical Federation Paper.
LifeTree, 2018-2019 #UserStudies
Research into use of Interactive pursed lipped breathing VR Game by Space Analogue Mission Crews.
Bubbles On Mars, 2018 #Performance
An Interactive Presentation for the International Astronautical Federation on 360° EVAs (spacewalks).
Selected Publications
- Pell, Barnes & Mueller (2018) Bubbles on Mars: play and performance during space analogue mission. 69th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Bremen, DE, 1-6 Oct 2018.
- Pell & Mueller (2016) Homo Ludens: how an analysis of play and performance during spaceflight can inspire the cultural sector to retro-design for new modes of space and spatiality. 67th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Guadalajara, Mexico, 26-30 Sep 2016.
- Pell & Mueller (2016) Technology meets Adventure: Learnings from a Technology Expedition in Nepal. UbiComp, Heidelberg, DE 12-16 Sep 2016.
- Raffe, W., Tamassia, M., Li, X., Pell, S.J., Zambetta, F., Mueller, F. (2015) Player-Computer Interaction Features for Designing Digital Play Experiences across Six Degrees of Water Contact. CHI Play 2015, London, UK
- Pell & Mueller (2013) Singular body/aquatic actor and agency in Aquabatics adaptation design In Proceedings OPB13 Oceanic Performance Biennale, Auckland NZ. Nov 2013.
- Pell & Mueller (2013) Designing for depth: underwater play. In Proceedings of The 9th Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment: Matters of Life and Death (IE '13). ACM, New York, US DOI=10.1145/2513002.2513036
- Pell & Mueller (2013) Gravity well: underwater play. In CHI '13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, 3115-3118. DOI=10.1145/2468356.2479624
- Pell & Mueller (2013) Designing mixed gravity exertion games for humans in space, IAC 2013 64th International Astronautical Congress, 24th Symposium of Space and Society (E5) New architectural, Strategic and Design Approaches to the Future of Human Space Flight (1) Beijing ROC.
Media Interviews
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