ISS EXP 52 launch (2017) Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan
T-3, 26 July 2017: Positions Please
Soyuz FG rocket rolled out of MIK integration facility to the historic Launch site num.1.
Pre-dawn transfer to the Launch site num.112. of the Baikonur spaceport.
Pre-dawn transfer to the Launch site num.112. of the Baikonur spaceport. Viewing the carrier rocket “Souyz-FG” transportation from a processing facility accompanied by Backup Astronaut crew: Aleksandr Misurkin, Norishiga Kanai, Mark Vande Hei. Arrival to the railway hub of the Launch site num.1. Viewing of the carrier rocket “Souyz FG” transportation to the launching site for a further installation; Transfer to the “Gagarin launch” site Num.1.: Viewing the carrier rocket installation from a safe distance, then attendance of the first artificial Earth satellite.
Viewing the carrier rocket “Souyz-FG” transportation from a processing facility at Launch site num.112 to Launch site num.1 for installation, Kasakstahn 26 July 2017.
Baikonur spaceport history museum tour, Baikonur town/camp.
Transfer to the Baikonur town (parks, monuments, Gagarin gazebo, Soyuz carrier rocket monument, memorial in honor of passed away cosmonauts); Baikonur spaceport history museum tour (here we learn, how the Baikonur spaceport was founded, what are the challenges and the way ahead. The collection tells the story of the scientists and designers, commanders and organizers of the industrial military complex of the Soviet Union and about those who went unnoticed: thousands of workers, engineers, clerks, test pilots for the space vehicles and military constructors.