Media Cosm (2021) Participatory Space: Museum of Cosmonautics Moscow RU

Our Space On Earth: How We Make the Universe Our Own Through Arts and Science

Keynote: Sarah Jane Pell доктор Сара Джейн Пелл

Chair: Ekaterina Lapina-Kratasyuk Анастасия Пржевальская

Twenty first year of the ХХI century, which has found many of us shut in apartments, cities and countries, has become in the same time a year of the amazing leaps into Space for all mankind. 2021 has been the year of spectacular progress in space technologies’ development and numerous achievements performed by both government and military space agencies, and “amateurs” of all kinds. Businessmen- amateurs launch their own space programs and personally go up the Karman line. DIY communities invent equipment for scanning sounds of space, make astrophotography, design space suits, revitalize local space museums and planetariums. Representatives of popular science have significantly expanded the range of their media genres. This year the Keynote speaker of our conference Dr. Sarah Jane Pell will pay special attention to new agency of space research and programs, such as non-governmental and grassroots initiatives, as well as the possibilities of connective action in the field of space exploration and the role of space tourism in spreading the fashion for space both literally and figuratively, as well as the possibilities of media witnessing during launches and flights, and of course, the art and science of creating our own space

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MEDIACOSM-2021 PARTICIPATORY SPACE Keynote Sarah Jane Pell, Museum of Cosmonautics (Moscow), 24-25 Sep 2021

Прямо сейчас каждый из нас находится в космосе, думаем мы о том или нет, и каждый из нас - исследует космос. Как найти в нём своё собственное место? Какие открытия ждут нас, если мы посмотрим на мир внимательнее, через призму искусства и науки? Об этом и многом другом расскажет австралийская художница и исследовательница космоса и океана доктор Сара Джейн Пелл. Мероприятие на англ. языке с синхронным переводом. Ведущая беседы - Анастасия Пржевальская

Наш космос на Земле: как мы делаем Вселенную своей через науку и искусство / Сара Джейн Пелл - YouTube 1:16:41.
The broadcast streams to the YouTube channel Space in media culture, and also on TV Museum of Cosmonautics and the page of the Moscow Museum of Cosmonautics in VK.

Organizer: National Research University Higher School of Economics Faculty of Communications, Media & Design. Partners: Museum of Cosmonautics, Theory of Fashion magazine. Organising committee: Е. Nim, Е.Lapina-Kratasyuk, N. Vereschagina, А. Pravdyuk, L. Aliabieva, О. Filimonova, A. Przhevalskaya

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