Artist Residency
Creative development, workshop, exploration and collaboration
Our imagination is stretched to the utmost, not, as in fiction, to imagine things which are not really there, but just to comprehend those things which are there. - Richard Feynman, The Character of Physical Law (1965)

Weaving Waters 2023, Yarum, AU
SciArt water residency and symposium framed by Indigenous knowing, Bribie Is.

Meeting of the Waters: Locative Media Oceania, 2021
Online residency exploring the themes of water, climate change, deep time and cultural knowledge.

Bending Horizons 360, 2018-2019
Monash Immersive Visualisation Platform MIVP Artist-in-Residence. Affective performance embodiment.

Stellar Corpus, Clayton AU 2018
A cosmic mixed-presence performance at the Monash Immersive Visualisation Platform live CAVE2.

Robotronica 2017, AU
Queensland University of Technology, Creative Industries & Ars Futures Lab, Artist Jun-Aug 2017

Time_Place_Space: NOMAD 2016
A travelling laboratory for experimental artists. Participants explore issues of scarcity, resilience, of place and nationhood, and art-making.

saltwaterfreshwater Central TAFE 2007
The search to understand our aqueous inner world begins on the unwelcoming steppe of dryland. Central TAFE Studio Residency & Exhibition 2007.

Live Art Surgery, Penzance UK 2006
Newlyn Art Gallery Residency & Live Art Surgery site-specific Penzance performance. Pell screened work at Jubilee Pool & performed Hydrophilia South Pier.

ArtsTAS Creative Development, Perth 2005
Could we Interdepend? Pell & Coutts develop a mobius loop life-support system between them, King St Arts Centre & Spare Parts Puppet Theatre.

Judith Wright Performing Arts Centre 2005
Media Performance for Brisbane River Festival 2005 Telepresence in Performance broadcast Johannes Birringer, The Performance Space Sydney 2007.

Time_Place_Space_3 Adelaide 2004
National hybrid new media arts workshop residency Time_Place_Space3 (T_P_S3) at AIT Arts Adelaide supported by Performance Space, PICA & ANAT.

ArtGeo CourtHouse Arts Busselton 2003
Under Current III, 1.7 km Busselton Jetty & Underwater Observatory, Geographe Bay, Western Australia 2003. Photo Lorraine Corker.