Back to Araps, 2016
A short film (coming soon)
"Back to Araps" was developed as part of Arts House’s program Time Place Space:NOMAD in Wotjobaluk Country of the Wergeia Language Group in December 2016.
Back Canvas/Arapilies Video 1: Sarah Jane Pell. Projection/Video 2: Rachel Sooji Kim & Dr. Greg Pritchard. Field recordings: Cissi Tsang. Score: Stacatto Productions.
Response to workshops and experimental play by Rachael Sooji Kim & Sarah Jane Pell #TPS16 Day 4-5
Time Place Space:NOMAD was supported by the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria #TPS16 #TimePlaceSpaceNomad #ArtsHouseMelb
@aquabatics @sarahjanepell @artshouse #water #environment #landscape #memory #reflection #prediction #worldbuilding #oil #energy #listening #sensing #projection
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